1. G.K. Sigworth and T.A. Engh, “Chemical and Kinetic Factors Related to Hydrogen Removal from Aluminium”, paper to be presented to Trans. AIME.
2. G.K. Sigworth and T.A. Engh, “Refining of Liquid Aluminium — a Review of Important Chemical Factors”, paper to be presented to the Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy.
3. Shinji Nagata, Mixing, principles and applications; John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1975.
4. K.W. Lange, M. Ohji, D. Papamentellos and H. Schenck, “Untersuchung des Stoffaustausches zwischen aufsteigende kugeförmigen Blasen and flüssigen Metallschmeltzen”, Arch. Eisenhüttenwesen, 40 (1969) pp.99–107.
5. Julian Szekely and Nickolas Themelis, Rate phenomens in Process Metallurgy; p. 694–698; Wiley Interscience, New York 1971.