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2. Kaempffer, F. and Weinburg, F., “Macrosegregation in a Copper Alloy Directonally Cast with Exudation of Liquid”, Met. Trans. AIME 1971, Vol. 2, pp. 2477.
3. VanKleeck, J. D., “Importance of the Air Mould Metal Interface in DC Casting of Aluminum”, Canadian Conference of Metallurgists, 1968.
4. Collins, D. L. W., “New Explanation of the Surface Structure of DC Ingots”, Metallurgia, October, 1967, pp. 137.
5. Biloni, H. and Chalmers, B., “Predendritic Solidification”, Trans. Met. Soc. AIME 1965, Vol. 233, pp. 373.