“I would not have given it for a wilderness of monkeys”: Turquoise, Queenship‚ and the Exotic


Levin Carole,Auble Cassandra


Springer International Publishing

Reference58 articles.

1. Basse, William. A Helpe to memory and discourse with table- talke as musicke to a banquet of wine : being a compendium of witty, and vsefull propositions, problemes, and sentences / extracted from the larger volumes of physicians, philosophers, orators and poets. London, 1630.

2. Boaistuau, Pierre. Certaine secrete wonders of nature containing a descriptio[n] of sundry strange things, seming monstrous in our eyes and iudgement, bicause we are not priuie to the reasons of them. trans. E. Fenton. London: 1569.

3. Browne, Sir Thomas. Nature’s cabinet unlock’d wherein is discovered the natural causes of metals, stones, precious earths, juyces, humors, and spirits, the nature of plants in general, their affections, parts, and kinds in particular. London, 1657.

4. Calendar of the State Papers Relating to Ireland, of the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth. Edited by Hans Claude Hamilton, Ernest G. Atkinson, and Robert Pentland Mahaffy. London: Longman, Green, Longman, & Roberts, 1860–1912.

5. Cavendish, George. Two Early Tudor Lives: The Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey. ed. Richard Standish Sylvester. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962.








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