1. Benjamin, Walter. 2008. The work of art in the age of its technological reproducibility, and other writings on media. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
2. Buscemi, Francesco. 2016. Edible lies: How Nazi propaganda represented meat to demonise the Jews. Media, War and Conflict 9 (2): 180–197.
3. Buscemi, Francesco. To be published. From physical illness to social virtue: The Italian way to vegetarianism in the newspaper La Stampa from 1867 to the present. In Vegetarians’ Dilemma: Rethinking food choice throughout time, eds. Adam Shprintzen. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press.
4. Buscemi Francesco. Under writing. The sin of eating meat: Fascism, Nazism and the construction of sacred vegetarianism.
5. Capatti, Alberto. 2016. Vegetit: Le avanguardie vegetariane in Italia. Lucca: Cinquesensi.