1. Aquinas, Thomas. Commentaria in libros physicorum. Corpus thomisticum, http://www.corpusthomisticum.org.
2. Aristotle. 1984. In The Complete Works, ed. J. Barnes, vol. 1. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
3. ———. 2014. In The Complete Works, ed. J. Barnes, vol. 2. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
4. Alexander of Aphrodisia. 1658. De fato et de eo quod nostrae potestatis est. Londinum: Typis Thomae Roycroft.
5. Bacon, Francis. 1670. Sylva Sylvarum; or, A Natural History, in Ten Centuries. Whereunto Is Newly Added the History Natural and Experimental of Life and Death, or of the Prolongation of Life. London: William Lee.