1. American Hospital Association. 1973. Statement on a patient’s bill of rights. Hospital 47:41. Cited by Faden, Ruth R., Tom L. Beauchamp, and Nancy M. P. King. 1986. History and theory of informed consent. New York: Oxford University Press.
2. Aquinas, St. Thomas. 1945. Basic writings of St. Thomas Aquinas. 2 vols., ed. Anton C. Pegis. New York: Random House.
3. Aristotle. 1943. Aristotle’s politics. New York: Modern Library (Trans. by Benjamin Jowett).
4. Augustine, St. 1958. The city of god, ed. Vernon J. Bourke. Garden City: Doubleday Image Books.
5. Beauchamp, Tom L. 2010a. Autonomy and consent. In The ethics of consent: Theory and practice, eds. Franklin G. Miller and Alan Wertheimer, 55–78. Oxford: Oxford University Press.