1. Almgren, F. 1982. Minimal Surfaces Forms. The Mathematical Intelligencer
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2. Almgren F. J. and J. E. Taylor 1976. The Geometry of Soap Bubbles and Soap Films. Scientific American (July 1976): 82–93.
3. Anderson, S. and S. T. Hyde. 1984. A Systematic Net Description of Saddle Polyhedra and Periodic Minimal Surfaces. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie
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4. Boys, C.V. 1959. Soap Bubbles: Their Colours and the Forces Which Mould Them. New York: Dover Publications Inc.
5. Emmer, Michele (with F. Almgren and J. Taylor). 1980. Soap Bubbles. Video, 27 minutes. Film and video in the series Art and Mathematics. Rome: Film 7 International.