1. Ahamer, G. (1991). Die Aufnahme von radioaktivem Cäsium in die Teichvegetation der Steiermark – Messungen und Modellerstellung [Uptake of radio-active caesium into the aquatic vegetation of Styria, Austria – measurements and model building], 280 pages, draft report for the Reactor Institute Graz, Austria.
2. Ahamer, G. (1997). Klimamodelle und Klimawandel [Climate models and climate change]. Lecture notes at Salzburg University, Institute for Geography, Summer semesters 1997 until 2001; and Institute for Chemical Technology at University of Technology Vienna 1999–2003, 250 pages plus annexes.
3. Ahamer, G. (2012a). Geo-referenceable model for the transfer of radioactive fallout from sediments to plants. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 223(5), 2511–2524.
Springer International (impact factor 1.743 in 2010).
4. Ahamer, G. & Müller, H.-J. (1988). Caesium-137 uptake in aquatic vegetation. Poster at the XIX. International meeting of the European society of nuclear methods in agriculture (ESNA), 29.8.-2.9.1988, Vienna, p. 35.
5. Ahamer, G., & Müller, H.-J. (1993). Überlegungen für ein Modell zum Verhalten von radioaktivem Cäsium in der Teichvegetation. In Report of the reactor institute Graz (Vol. RIG-21, pp. 101–114). Graz: Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Technological University Graz.