1. Angerhausen D (2010) Spectroscopic characterization of extrasolar planets from ground-, space- and airborne-based observatories. PhD thesis, German SOFIA Institute
2. Angerhausen D (2013) Exoplanet transits with FLIPO: Is GJ 1214b a water-world Super Earth or a cloudy Mini-Neptune? SOFIA proposal, Cycle 2, ID. 02_0053
3. Angerhausen D (2014) Observation of the primary transit of GJ 3470b: Warm Uranus transmission spectrophotometry with FLIPO. SOFIA proposal, Cycle 3, ID. 03_0052
4. Angerhausen D, Krabbe A, Iserlohe C (2010) Observing exoplanets with SOFIA. PASP 122:1020
5. IAU symposium, vol;D Angerhausen,2014