1. Ralph Day and Steven Ash, “Comparison of Patterns of Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior for Durables, Nondurables and Services,” Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference Proceedings 1978, pp. 190–195.
2. Ralph Day and Muzaffar Bodur, “A Comprehensive Study of Satisfaction with Consumer Services,” Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference Proceedings 1977.
3. Steven L. Diamond, Scott Ward, and Ronald Faber, “Consumer Problems and Consumerism: Analysis of Calls to a Consumer Hot Line,” Journal of Marketing, 40 (January 1976), 58–62.
4. John M. Rathmel, Marketing in the Service Sector, Winthrop Publishers, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. 1974.
5. Rex H. Worland, Robert D. Hermann and Jane Willits, “Dissatisfied Consumers: Who Gets Upset and Who Takes What Action, “ Journal of Consumer Affairs, Winter 1975, 148–163.