1. George Kennan Papers. Manuscripts and Archives Division. The New York Public Library. Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations.
2. Academia de la Historia de Cuba, ed. Diario del Teniente Coronel Eduardo Rosell y Malpica (1895–1897), vol. 1, En Camino. Havana: El Siglo XX, 1949.
3. Archivo Nacional de Cuba. Chiquita Documentos para servir a la historia de la Guerra Chiquita, 3 vols. Havana: Publicaciones del Archivo nacional de Cuba, 1949–1950.
4. Auxier, George W. “Middle Western Newspapers and the Spanish American War, 1895–1898”. The Mississippi Valley Historical Review 26, 4 (1940): 523–534.
5. Bennett, Alice E. Record of the Soldiers of the Civil War, Spanish–American War and the World War from the Town of Manchester, Vermont. Rutland, VT: Tuttle, 1925.