1. Buber, M. (1970). I and Thou (W. Kaufmann, Trans.). New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons. (Original work published, 1955)
2. Medicine. (n.d.) In Merriam-Webster online. Retrieved from
3. Merleau-Ponty, M. (1962). Phenomenology of perception (C. Smith, Trans.). London, UK: Routledge & Kegan Paul. (Original work published 1945)
4. Merleau-Ponty, M. (1968). The visible and the invisible (A. Lingis, Trans.). Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. (Original work published 1964)
5. Poirier, S. (2006). Medical education and the embodied physician. Literature and Medicine, 25(2), 522–552.