1. AT: Descartes R (1964–1976) Oeuvres de Descartes, 12 vols (revised edition), edited by Adam C and Tannery P, Paris, Léopold Cerf, 1879–1913
2. CSM I: Descartes R (1985) The philosophical writings of Descartes, Cottingham J, Stoothoff R, Murdoch D (trans), vol 1. Cambridge, Cambridge University
3. CSM II: Descartes R (1984), The philosophical writings of Descartes, Cottingham J, Stoothoff R, Murdoch D (trans), vol 2. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
4. Essay: Locke J (1979) An essay concerning human understanding. In: Nidditch PH (ed) Oxford, Clarendon Press. The title is followed by universal reference that provides the Book, Section and Paragraph number
5. NE: Leibniz GW (2000) New essays concerning human understanding. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. The title is followed by Book, Chapter, Paragraph number