1. Descartes R (1644/1982) In: Miller VR, Miller RP (eds) Principles of philosophy. Kluwer, Dordrecht. [Principles]
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3. Hume D (1748/2000) In: Beauchamp T (ed) An enquiry concerning human understanding. Clarendon Press, Oxford. [EHU]
4. Newton I (1687/1999) In: Cohen IB, Whitman A (eds, trans), Budenz J (assist) Principia. The mathematical principles of natural philosophy. California University Press, Berkeley. [Principia]
5. Barfoot M (1990) Hume and the culture of science in the early eighteenth century. In: Stewart MA (ed) Studies in the philosophy of Scottish enlightenment. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp 151–190