1. Center for Internet Security. http://cisecurity.org
2. Cybercrime in the world. http://www.tadviser.ru/index.php (in Russian)
3. Symantec it estimated the annual losses from cybercrime at $ 114 billion. http://www.companion.ua/articles/content?id=162264 (in Russian)
4. Forbes experts have chosen the most high-profile cyber attacks recently. http://www.securitylab.ru/news/444700.php (in Russian)
5. Unuchek, R., Garnaeva, M., Makrushin, D., Sinitsyn, F., Liskin, A.: IT threat evolution Q3 2016. Statistics. https://securelist.com/analysis/quarterly-malware-reports/76513/it-threat-evolution-q3-2016-statistics