1. Defense science board (DSB) study on high performance microchip supply. http://www.acq.osd.mil/dsb/reports/2005-02-hpms_report_final.pdf
2. Pecht M, Tiku S (2006) Bogus! electronic manufacturing and consumers confront a rising tide of counterfeit electronics. IEEE Spectr 43(5):37–46
3. Pope S (2008) Trusted integrated circuit strategy. IEEE Trans Compon Packag Technol 31(1):230–235
4. Managing the risks of counterfeiting in the information technology industry. a white paper by KPMG and the Alliance for Gray Market and counterfeit Abatement (AGMA)
5. Defense industrial base assessment: Counterfeit electronics (2010) a report by Bureau of Industry and Security’s (BIS) Office of Technology Evaluation (OTE). http://www.agmaglobal.org/