1. Allan, K. (1986a). Hearers, overhearers, and Clark and Carlson’s informative analysis. Language, 62, 509–517.
2. Allan, K. (1986b). Linguistic meaning (2 Vol.). London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. (Reprint ed. Beijing: World Publishing Corporation, 1991. Reissued in one volume as Routledge Library Editions: Linguistics Vol. 8, 2014.).
3. Allan, K. (1998). Meaning and speech acts.
4. Allan, K. (2006). Clause-type, primary illocution, and mood-like operators in English. Language Sciences, 28, 1–50.
5. Bach, K. (1975). Performatives are statements too. Philosophical Studies 28: 229–236. Reprinted, slightly amended, in Bach, K., & Harnish, R. M. (1979). Linguistic communication and speech acts (pp. 203–208). Cambridge: MIT Press.