1. Barbusse, H. 1916. Le Feu. Paris: Flammarion. English translation Under Fire.
2. Blunden, E. 1928. Undertones of War. London: Cobden-Sanderson. Republished Oxford University Press, 1956 and Collins, 1965 and 1978. Pagination cited in the Penguin (2000) edition.
3. Blunden, E. 1930. De Bello Germanico. Private edition, A. Blunden.
4. Lawrence, T.E. 1927. Revolt in the Desert. London: Cape. Cited in the 2011 edition, ed. R. Trevelyan, Tauris Parke Paperbacks.
5. Renn, L. (pseud. i.e. Arnold Friedrich Vieth von Golssenau) 1928. Krieg (War). Frankfurt a. M.: Frankfurter Societäts-Druckerei. Cited in the 1929 translation (London: Secker).