Darwin’s Reports on Catastrophic Natural Phenomena and Modern Science: Seaquake-Induced Waves, Atomization and Cavitation


Galiev Sh. U.


Springer International Publishing

Reference69 articles.

1. Darwin C (1890) Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle around the world, under the command of Captain FitzRoy, R.N. T. Nelson and Sons, London

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3. Darwin C (1840) On the connexion of certain volcanic phenomena in South America; and on the formation of mountain chains and volcanoes, as the effect of the same power by which continents are elevated. (Read 7 March 1838). In: Barrett PH (ed) (1977) The Collected Papers of Charles Darwin. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago

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