1. A. Allison, The ITU and managing satellite orbital and spectrum resources in the 21st century (Springer, Cham, 2014)
2. F. Daudu. Minutes of the Eighth Plenary Meeting, Doc. CMR15/505 (Geneva, 2015b)
3. F. Daudu. Minutes of the Seventh Plenary Meeting, Doc. CMR15/504 (Geneva, 2015c)
4. Director, Radiocommunication Bureau, Report of the Director on the activities of the Radiocommunication Sector; Part 1: Activities of the Radiocommunication Sector between WRC-12 and WRC-15, Doc. CMR15/4 (Add.1) (Geneva, 2015a) https://www.itu.int/md/dologin_md.asp?lang=en&id=R15-WRC15-C-0004!A1!MSW-E . Accessed 31 Jan 2016
5. Director, Radiocommunication Bureau, Report of the Director on the activities of the Radiocommunication Sector; Part 2: Experience in the application of the radio regulatory procedures and other related matters, Doc. CMR15/4 (Add.2)(Rev.1) (Geneva, 2015b) https://www.itu.int/md/dologin_md.asp?lang=en&id=R15-WRC15-C-0004!A2-R1!MSW-E . Accessed 31 Jan 2016