1. M.R. Chartrand, Satellite Communications for the Nonspecialist (SPIE, Bellingham, 2004), pp. 27–42
2. GAO Telecommunications, GAO Telecommunications Report to Congressional Requesters: Intelsat Privatization and the Implementation of the ORBIT Act. US GAO 04–891. (GAO Telecommunications, Washington, DC, 2004). www.gao.gov/new.items/d04891.pdf
3. Interview with Santiago by Joseph N. Pelton on September 25, 1974 at Intelsat Headquarters, Washington, D.C
4. N. Kadowaki, Internet and the new broadband satellite capabilities, in Satellite Communications in the 21st Century: Trends and Technologies, ed. by T. Iida, J.N. Pelton, E. Ashford (AIAA, Reston, 2005), pp. 62–72
5. G.E. Lewis, Communications Services via Satellite (BSP Professional Books, London, 1988), pp. 82–83