1. Avery, Simon and Rebecca Stott. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. London: Pearson, 2003.
2. Barrett Browning, Elizabeth. “My Own Character.” 1818. Browning Institute Studies 2 (1974): 119–121.
3. ———. “Glimpses into My Own Life and Literary Character.” 1820. Browning Institute Studies 2 (1974): 121–134.
4. ———. “Sonnet 43.” In Sonnets from the Portuguese. Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Selected. Poems, edited by Marjorie Stone and Beverly Taylor, 231. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2009.
5. Besier, Rudolf. The Barretts of Wimpole Street: A Comedy in Five Acts. 1930. New York: Washington Square Press, 1969.