1. Kalašová, A., Kubíková, S.: The interaction of safety and intelligent transport systems in road transport. In: Young Researches Seminar 2015, 17–19 June 2015. Sapienza - Universita di Roma - [S.l.: S.n.] - CD-ROM, s. 3–13 (2015)
2. Černický, L’., Kalašová, A., Kubíková, S.: Possibilities of using simulation software in a traffic-capacity assessment of uncontrolled intersections. In: MOSATT 2015: Modern Safety Technologies in Transportation: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, Zlata Idka, Slovakia, 16–18 September 2015 - Košice: Perpetis - S. 29–34 (2015). ISBN 978-80-971432-2-0
3. Madleňák, R., et al.: Analysis of website traffic dependence on use of selected internet marketing tools. In: Procedia - Economics and Finance, vol. 23, pp. 123–128 (2015). ISSN 2212-5671
4. Kapusta J., Černický, L’.: Effects of autonomous vehicles on road safety. In: 11-th European Conference of Young Researchers and Scientists TRANSCOM 2015, Žilina, 22–24 June 2015, Slovak Republic - Žilina: University of Žilina - CD-ROM, s. 40–44 (2015). ISBN 978-80-554-1043-2
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