1. Core HA, Cote WA, Day AC (1976) Wood structure and identification. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse
2. Young RA, Giese RL (eds) (1990) Introduction to forest science, 2nd edn. Wiley, New York; see also 3rd edn. Introduction to forest ecosystem science and management, 2004
3. Anon (2010) Wood handbook: wood as an engineering material. Centennial edn. General Technical Report, FPL-GTR-190, USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI, 2010
4. Amidon TE, Wood CD, Shupe AM, Wang Y, Graves M, Liu S (2008) Biorefinery: conversion of woody biomass to chemicals, energy and materials. J Biobased Mater Bioenergy 2(2):100
5. Hood EE, Nelson P, Powell R (eds) (2011) Plant biomass conversion. Wiley, New York