1. Hooker, Richard. 1612a. A learned and comfortable sermon of the certaintie and perpetuitie of faith in the elect especially of the prophet Habakkuks faith. Oxford: Joseph Barnes, and are to be sold by John Barnes.
2. Hooker, Richard. 1612b. A learned discourse of justification, workes, and how the foundation of faith is overthrowne. Oxford: Joseph Barnes, and are to be sold by John Barnes.
3. Hooker, Richard. 1993–1998. The Folger Library Edition of the Works of Richard Hooker, ed. W. Speed Hill, New York: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies. 7 vols. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
4. Hooker, Richard. 2013. A critical edition with modern spelling. In Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity, ed. Arthur S. McGrade. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
5. Atkinson, Nigel. 1997. Richard Hooker and the authority of Scripture, tradition and reason: Reformed theologian of the Church of England? Carlisle: Paternoster Press.