1. Hartlib, Samuel. 1630. Letter from Samuel Hartlib to John Dury, 13 Sept 1630. EMLO, http://tinyurl.com/79g5ddl. Accessed 30 Mar 2016.
2. Hartlib, Samuel (ed.). 1637. Conatuum Comenianorum Praeludia: Porta Sapientiae Reserata, sive Pansophiae Seminarium. Oxford: ex officina G. Turneri.
3. Hartlib, Samuel (ed.). 1639. Comenii Pansophiae Prodromus. London: typis Miles Flesher, sumptibus L. Fawne, & S. Gellibrand.
4. Hartlib, Samuel. 1641. A briefe relation of that which hath been lately attempted to procure ecclesiastical peace amongst Protestants. London: printed by I.R. for Andrew Crooke.
5. Hartlib, Samuel. 1643. A faithfvll and seasonable advice, or, the necessity of a correspondencie for the advancement of the Protestant cause humbly suggested to the great councell of England assembled in Parliament. S.l.: printed by Iohn Hammond.