1. Aujac, Germaine. 2016. The “revolution” of Ptolemy. In Companion to ancient geography. The inhabited world in Greek and Roman tradition, ed. Serena Bianchetti, Michele R. Catandella, and Hans-Joachim Gehrke, 313–334. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
2. Boas, Marie. 1962. The scientific renaissance (1450–1630). The rise of modern science. New York: Harpe and Brothers, in partic. Ch. 3 “The Copernican revolution” (§. Copernicus and Ptolemy), 76–89.
3. Bouloux, Nathalie. 2002. Culture et savoirs géographiques dans l’Italie du XIVe siècle. Turnhout: Brepols.
4. Bouloux, Nathalie. 2010. Humanisme et découvertes géographiques. Avant-propos. Médiévales 58: 5–10. http://journals.openedition.org/medievales/5847. Accessed 14 July 2020. [See also the entire issue, co-ed. by Ead. with P. Gautier Dalché and A. Cattaneo, s.v. “Ptolémée”/”ptoléméen(nes)”].
5. Broc, Numa. 1986. La géographie de la Renaissance: 1420–1620. Paris: Éditions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques.