1. N. Aronszajn, Theory of reproducing kernels, Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 68, 337–404 (1950). MR 0051437 (14,479c)
2. S. Bochner, K. Chandrasekharan, On the localization property for multiple Fourier series. Ann. Math. (2) 49, 966–978 (1948). MR 0027089 (10,248a)
3. S. Bochner, K. Chandrasekharan, Fourier series of L 2-functions. Duke Math. J. 16, 579–583 (1949). MR 0032807 (11,349d)
4. S. Bochner, Finitely additive set functions and stochastic processes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 32, 259–261 (1946). MR 0017897 (8,215a)
5. S. Bochner, Stochastic processes. Ann. Math. (2) 48, 1014–1061 (1947). MR 0022322 (9,193g)