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2. Adams, James, Mark Janse, and Simon Swain, eds. Bilingualism in Ancient Society: Language Contact and the Written Text. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
3. Alexander, Neville. English Unassailable but Unattainable: The Dilemma of Language Policy in South African Education. PRAESA Occasional Papers, No. 3, Praesa/University of Cape Town, Cape Town, 2000.
4. Alexander, Neville. “Language, Education and Race Relations.” Paper Prepared for the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) Conference on Racism and Public Policy, September 2001.
5. Alexander, Neville. “Language and the National Question.” In Between Unity and Diversity: Essays on Nation-Building in Post-Apartheid South Africa, edited by G. Maharaj. Cape Town: Idasa and David Philip Publishers, 2000.