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2. F.F. Abeles, Herbrand’s fundamental theorem and the beginning of logic programming. Mod. Log. 4, 63–73 (1994)
3. F.F. Abeles, Lewis Carroll’s formal logic. Hist. Philos. Log. 26, 33–46 (2005)
4. F.F. Abeles, From the tree method in modern logic to the beginning of automated theorem proving, in From Calculus to Computers: Using 200 Years of Mathematics History in the Teaching of Mathematics, ed. by A. Shell-Gellasch, D. Jardine (Mathematical Association of America, Washington, 2006), pp. 149–160
5. F.F. Abeles, Lewis Carroll’s visual logic. Hist. Philos. Log. 28, 1–17 (2007)