1. To save space, I have omitted references to my own publications, which can be found in the bibliography in Chapter 2.
2. Aesop (attributed) (appr. 600 BC) The Bird in Borrowed Feathers. Reprinted in Bewick, Thomas; Bewick, John, 1820: Select Fables: With Cuts (Newcastle: S. Hodgson): 53–54.
3. Benoit, Emile (Ed.), 1967: Disarmament and World Economic Interdependence (Oslo: Norwegian University Press).
4. Berg, Thoralf, 2007: Henry Gleditsch – skuespiller, teatergründer, motstandsmann [Henry Gleditsch: Actor, Theater Gründer, Resistance Man] (Trondheim: Communicatio).
5. Born, Max, 1964: “What is Left to Hope For?”, in: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 20,4: 2–5.