1. Aristotle. 1926[c. 335 B.C.E.]. The art of rhetoric (Loeb Classical Library, 193) (translated from the Greek by John Henry Freese). London: Heinemann.
2. Aristotle. 1996[c. 335 B.C.E.]. The nichomachean ethics (Wordsworth Classics of World Literature) (translator Harris Rackham). Ware, Hertfordshire: Worthworth Editions.
3. Black’s Law Dictionary. 1999. Garner, Bryan A. (ed.). 7th ed. St. Paul, Minnesota: West Group.
4. Brent, Joseph. 1993. Charles sanders peirce: A life. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
5. Casti, John L. 1994. Complexification: Explaining a paradoxical world through the science of surprise. New York: Harper Collins.