1. Alger, Chadwick F., 1961: “Non-Resolution Consequences of the United Nations and Their Effect on International Conflict” in: The Journal of Conflict Resolution, V (2): 128–145.
2. Atkinson, J. W., 1957: “Motivational Determinants of Risk-Taking Behavior”, in: Psychological Review, 64 (6).
3. Ayoub, V., 1959: “Judicial Processes in Two African Tribes”, in: M. Janowitz (Ed.), Community Political Systems (Glencoe, Illinois: Free Press).
4. Cantril, Hadley, 1965: The Pattern of Human Concerns (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press).
5. Cantril, Hadley (Ed.), 1950: Tensions that Cause Wars (Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press). [Common statement and individual papers by a group of social scientists brought together by UNESCO].