1. Abbott, Stacey. 2016. Undead Apocalypse: Vampires and Zombies in the 21st Century. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
2. Aldana Reyes, Xavier. 2014. Nothing but the Meat: Posthuman Bodies and the Dying Undead. In We’re All Infected’: Essays on AMC’s The Walking Dead and The Fate of the Human, ed. Dawn Keetley, 142–155. Jefferson: McFarland.
3. Beattie, Stuart. (dir.). 2014. I, Frankenstein, film. USA/Australia: Hopscotch Pictures, Lakeshore Entertainment, Lionsgate and SKE Films.
4. Bellgardt, Ryan. (dir.). 2014. Army of Frankensteins, film. USA: Six Stitches Entertainment and Boiling Point.
5. Bishop, Kyle William. 2010. How Zombies Conquered Popular Culture: The Multifarious Walking Dead in the 21st Century. Jefferson: McFarland.