Strongly Real Beauville Groups


Fairbairn Ben


Springer International Publishing

Reference35 articles.

1. M. Aschbacher, R. Guralnick, Some applications of the first cohomology group. J. Algebra 90(2), 446–460 (1984)

2. N. Barker, N. Boston, N. Peyerimhoff, A. Vdovina, An infinite family of 2-groups with mixed Beauville structures, to appear in Int. Math. Res. Not. arXiv:1304.4480

3. N. Barker, N. Boston, N. Peyerimhoff, A. Vdovina, Regular algebraic surfaces isogenous to a higher product constructed from group representations using projective planes, preprint (2011). arXiv:1109.6053

4. N.W. Barker, N. Boston, B.T. Fairbairn, A note on Beauville $$p$$ p -groups. Exp. Math. 21(3), 298–306 (2012)

5. N. Barker, N. Boston, N. Peyerimhoff, A. Vdovina, New examples of Beauville surfaces. Monatsh. Math. 166(3–4), 319–327 (2012). doi: 10.1007/s00605-011-0284-6

Cited by 5 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Purely (non-)strongly real Beauville p-groups;Archiv der Mathematik;2020-03-12

2. Strongly Real Beauville Groups III;Galois Covers, Grothendieck-Teichmüller Theory and Dessins d'Enfants;2020

3. Purely (non-)strongly real Beauville groups;Archiv der Mathematik;2019-02-04

4. A new infinite family of non-abelian strongly real Beauville p-groups for every odd prime p;Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society;2017-06-16

5. Coxeter groups as Beauville groups;Monatshefte für Mathematik;2015-12-09







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