More than Our Share: The Unchecked HIV/AIDS Crisis in Mississippi


Hrostowski Susan


Springer International Publishing

Reference31 articles.

1. AIDSVu. (2016). Age-adjusted rates of death due to HIV disease, 2011–2013. Retrieved from

2. An Act to Amend Section 37-13-171, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Require Each Local School Board to Adopt a Sex-Related Education Policy to Implement Abstinence-Only or Abstinence-Plus Education into Its Local School District’s Curriculum by June 30, 2012, or to Require the Local School Board to Adopt the Program Developed by the Mississippi Department of Human Services and the Department of Health; To Require The State Department to Approve Each District’s Curriculum for Sex-Related Education and Establish a Protocol to Be Used by Districts to Provide Continuity in Teaching the Approved Curriculum; To Provide That Instruction in School Districts Implementing Abstinence-Plus Education into the Curriculum May Be Expanded Beyond the Instruction for Abstinence-Only Education within Parameters Approved by the Department; To Define Abstinence-Plus Education; To Remove the Authority Given to Local School Boards to Vote in Favor of Teaching Sex Education without any Instruction on Abstinence; To Prohibit any Teaching that Abortion Can Be Used to Prevent the Birth of a Baby; To Require Boys and Girls to Be Separated into Different Classes by Gender at All Times When Sex-Related Education Is Discussed or Taught; To Require the Department of Human Services and the Department of Health to Develop Certain Programs and Strategies Promoting Pregnancy Prevention and Providing Information on the Consequences of Unprotected, Uninformed and Underage Sexual Activity; To Provide for the Repeal of this Section on July 1, 2016; To Amend Section 37-13-173, Mississippi Code of 1972, Relating to Parental Notice; To Amend Section 2 Chapter 507, Laws of 2009, To Revise the Duties of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Task Force and to Extend the Date of the Repeal on the Task Force to July 1, 2016; to Require the State Department of Health and the State Department Of Education, Subject to the Availability of Funds, To Establish a Pilot Program in Each Health Care District, To Be Located in a School District in a County Having the Highest Number of Teen Pregnancies; To Require those Agencies to Provide Certain Educational Services through Qualified Personnel; and for Related Purposes, MS H.B. 999, Regular Session (2011).

3. An Act to Amend Section 43-13-115, Mississippi code of 1972, to Provide Medicaid Coverage for Individuals who are Under 65 Years of Age, are not pregnant, are not Entitled to or Enrolled for Medicare Benefits and Whose Income is not More Than 133% of the Federal Poverty Level, as Authorized Under the Federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; to Provide Medicaid Coverage for Children who are Under 19 Years of Age and Whose Family Income is More Than 133% but not More Than 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, as Authorized Under the Children’s Health Insurance Program; to Repeal Section 41-86-1, 41-86-5, 41-86-7, 41-86-9, 41-86-11, 41-86-13 and 41-86-15, Mississippi Code of 1972, Which are the Mississippi Children’s Health Insurance Program Act; and for Related Purposes, MS H.B. 285, Regular Session (2013).

4. An Act to Amend Section 43-13-117, Mississippi Code of 1972, To Prohibit the Division of Medicaid from Establishing Limits or Restrictions on Drugs or Tests Prescribed for the Treatment and Prevention of HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis C; and For Related Purposes, MS H.B. 1321, Regular Session (2003).

5. An Act To Create The “Protecting Freedom Of Conscience From Government Discrimination Act”; To Provide Certain Protections Regarding A Sincerely Held Religious Belief Or Moral Conviction For Persons, Religious Organizations And Private Associations; To Define A Discriminatory Action For Purposes Of This Act; To Provide That A Person May Assert A Violation Of This Act As A Claim Against The Government; To Provide Certain Remedies; To Require A Person Bringing A Claim Under This Act To Do So Not Later Than Two Years After The Discriminatory Action Was Taken; To Provide Certain Definitions; And For Related Purposes, H.B. 1523, Regular Session (2016).







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