1. African National Congress Archives, University of Fort Hare (abbreviated as ANC Fort Hare)
2. University of the Western Cape, Robben Island Mayibuye Archives, Mayibuye Centre: Oral history of exiles project (abbreviated as Mayibuye Exiles Project)
3. Lindiwe. 2014. Interview by Annette Bayne, July 3, Johannesburg (female).
4. Alanen, Leena. 2001a. “Childhood as a Generational Condition: Children’s Daily Lives in a Central Finland Town.” In Conceptualizing Child-Adult Relations, edited by Leena Alanen, and Berry Mayall, 129–143. London and New York: Routledge Falmer.
5. Alanen, Leena. 2001b. “Explorations in Generational Analysis.” In Conceptualizing Child-Adult Relations, edited by Leena Alanen, and Berry Mayall, 11–22. London and New York: Routledge Falmer.