1. Proc. of Forum ‘Oil-gas dialog”, round table “Gas and coal generation in Russia: reality and perspective”, May 26, 2015
2. F. V. Veselov, The coal in energy strategy of Russia for 2035, Proc. of 2-nd Int. Conf. Implementation of solid fuels for efficient and environmentally friendly production of electricity and heat, October 28-29, 2014, Moscow
3. I. S. Кoguhovsky, Russia coal generation: state of the art and perspective, Proc. of 2-nd Int. Conf. Implementation of solid fuels for efficient and environmentally friendly production of electricity and heat, October 28-29, 2014, Moscow
4. E. Kakaras, A. Tumanovsky, V. Kotler, N. Koukouzas, E. Karlopoulos, Current Situation of Coal Power Plants in Russia Federation and the Implementation Options of Clean Coal Technologies, Proc. of 5-th European Conference on Coal Research and its Applications
5. A. G. Tumanovsky and G. G. Olchovsky, The ways of perfection and elaboration of coal TPP units, Proc. of 2-nd Int. Conf. Implementation of solid fuels for efficient and environmentally friendly production of electricity and heat, October 28-29, 2014, Moscow