1. Australian Standard (2001) 1428-1: Design for access and mobility, general requirements for access, new building works. Standards Australia, Sydney
2. BSI (2008) BS 8493—Light reflectance value (LRV) of a surface—method of test. British Standard Institution, London, UK
3. BSI (2009) BS 8300—Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people—code of practice. British Standard Institution, London, UK
4. Bureau voor Normalisatie (2011) NBN EN 12665—Light and lighting—basic terms and criteria for specifying lighting requirements, p 53
5. CIE (2011) CIE 196—Guide to increasing accessibility in light and lighting—vision data and design considerations for better visibility and lighting for older people and people with disabilities. International Commission on Illummination, Vienna, Austria