1. ‘An Act for Maintenance of Husbandry and Tillage’. 1811. The Statutes at Large of England and Great Britain: From Magna Carta to the Union of the Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. 4, ed. John Raithby, pp. 499–504. London: George Eyre and Andrew Strahan.
2. Arthington, Henry. 1597. Provision for the poore, now in penurie. Ovt of the Store-Hovse of Gods plentie. London.
3. Averell, William. 1583. A wonderfull and straunge newes, which happened in the Countye of Suffolke, and Essex, the first of February, beeing Fryday, where it rayned Wheat…a notable example to put vs in remembraunce of the iudgements of God, and a preparatiue, sent to moue vs to speedy repentance. London.
4. Bentley, Thomas. 1582. The Monvment of Matrones: conteining seuen seuerall Lamps of Virginitie: The Fourth Lampe. London.
5. Beza, Theodore. 1580. The Psalmes of Dauid. Trans. Anthony Gilby. London.