1. Kenneth Baker and Michael K. Mills, "Towards Better Theory and Practice in Marketing Education: A Choice-Based, Application-Oriented Approach," Developments in Marketing Science, V, Vinay Kothari (ed.), (Nacogdoches, Texas: Academy of Marketing Science, 1982) 238-240.
2. Eva L. Baker and W. James Popham, Expanding Dimensions of Instructional Objectives, (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1973).
3. Roger D. Blackwell, "The Preparation of Future Marketing Managers," Journal of Marketing Education, (Spring 1981) 4-9.
4. B. Bloom, et al., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Handbook I: Cognitive Domain, (New York: David McKay, 1956).
5. Sarane S. Boocock and E. O. Schild, (eds.), Simulation Games in Learning, (Beverly Hills: Sage Publication, 1968).