1. Advertising Age, October 30, 1978, p.52.
2. Alderson, Wroe, and Stanley Shapiro, "Towards a Theory of Retail Competition," in Cox, Alderson and Shapiro, eds., Theory in Marketing (Homewood, 111.: R. D. Irwin, 1964) 180-212.
3. Berry, A., "Grocery Trade Dealing as a Way of Life," Advertising Age, 45 (December 9, 1964) 12.
4. Bucklin, L., "Consumer Search, Role Enactment, and Market Efficiency,"Journal of Business", 42 (April, 1969) 416-23.
5. Crimmins, E., A Management Guide to Cooperative Advertising (New York: Association of National Advertisers, 1970).