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3. Atkinson, Brenda. 1999. Introduction. In Grey Areas: Representation, Identity, and Politics in Contemporary South African Art, ed. Brenda Atkinson, and Candace Breitz. Johannesburg: Chalkham Hill Press.
4. Ayers, Robert. 2010. ‘The Knife is Real, the Blood is Real, and the Emotions are Real.’—Robert Ayers in conversation with Marina Abramović. http://www.askyfilledwithshootingstars.com/wordpress/?p=1197 . Accessed 23 June 2015.
5. Bailey, Brett. 2014. Yes, Exhibit B is Challenging—But I Never Sought to Alienate or Offend. The Guardian Online. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/24/exhibit-b-challenging-work-never-sought-alienate-offend-brett-bailey . Accessed 23 June 2015.