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2. Sylos Labini, F.: Science and the Economic Crisis: Impact and Lessons. Springer (2016)
3. Gillies, D. (1993) Philosophy of Science in the Twentieth Century: Four Central Themes. Blackwell (1993)
4. Bouchaud, J.-P.: The (unfortunate) complexity of the economy. Physics World, pp. 28–32 (2009)
5. Hunt, J.C.R.: Lewis Fry Richardson and his contributions to mathematics, meteorology, and models of conflict. Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech. 30: xiii—xxxvi (1998). See also A. Vulpiani, Lewis Fry Richardson: scientist, visionary and pacifist. Lettera Matematica (International Edition), September 2014, pp. 121–128 (2014)