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2. ———. Cato, A Tragedy. Edited by Christine Dunn Henderson and Mark E. Yellin. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2004.
3. Beasley, Jerry C. “Portraits of a Monster: Robert Walpole and Early English Prose Fiction.” Eighteenth-Century Studies 14, no. 4 (1981): 406–31.
4. Campbell, Jill. Natural Masques: Gender and Identity in Fielding’s Plays and Novels. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995.
5. Corman, Brian. “Thomas Shadwell and the Jonsonian Comedy of the Restoration.” In From Renaissance to Restoration: Metamorphoses of the Drama, edited by Robert Markley and Laurie Finke, 127–52. Cleveland: Bellflower, 1984.