1. Camgoz, N.C., Kindiroglu, A.A., Akarun, L.: Gesture recognition using template based random forest classifiers. In: ECCV Workshops (2014)
2. Chang, J.Y.: Nonparametric gesture labeling from multi-modal data. In: ECCV Workshops (2014)
3. Chaudhry, R., Ofli, F., Kurillo, G., Bajcsy, R., Vidal, R.: Bio-inspired dynamic 3d discriminative skeletal features for human action recognition. In: CVPR Workshops (CVPRW) (2013)
4. Chen, G., Clarke, D., Weikersdorfer, D., Giuliani, M., Gaschler, A., Knoll, A.: Multi-modality gesture detection and recognition with un-supervision, randomization and discrimination. In: ECCV Workshops (2014)
5. Escalera, S., Bar, X., Gonzlez, J., Bautista, M.A., Madadi, M., Reyes, M., Ponce, V., Escalante, H.J., Shotton, J., Guyon, I.: Chalearn looking at people challenge 2014: Dataset and results. In: ECCV Workshops (2014)