1. G. Magnus: What this Minky Moment means, Financial Times, August 23 2007, retrieved on September 20 2014 from https://next.ft.com/content/ddb7842c-50c2-11dc-86e2-0000779fd2ac
2. G. Magnus: The Credit Cycle and Liquidity: Have We Arrived at a Minsky Moment? Economic Insights – By George (UBS Investment Research, London 2007)
3. J.M. Keynes: The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money (Macmillan, London 1964), originally published in 1936
4. H.P. Minsky: Banking and industry between the two wars: The United States, J. Eur. Econ. Hist. 13, 235–272 (1984)
5. H.P. Minsky: The financial instability hypothesis: An interpretation of Keynes and an alternative to ‘‘standard’’ theory, Challenge 20(1), 20–27 (1977)