1. See, for example, P. G. Shewmon, Diffusion in Solids, second edition, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Soc., Warrendale, PA, 1989, pages 53–68, or R. E. Reed-Hill and R. Abbaschian, Physical Metallurgy Principles, third edition, PWS-Kent, Boston, 1992, pages 360–364.
2. See, for example, S. Mrowec, Defects and Diffusion in Solids—An Introduction, Elsevier Scientific Publ., Amsterdam, 1980, pages 174–196, or R. J. Borg and G. J. Dienes, An Introduction to Solid State Diffusion, Academic Press, Boston, 1988, pages 53–60.
3. L. S. Darken, Trans. AIME
180, 430 (1949).
4. L. S. Darken, Trans. AIME, Inst. Met. Div., Tech. Pub. 2443 (1948).
5. J. S. Kirkaldy and D. J. Young, Diffusion in the Condensed State, The Institute of Metals, London, 1986, pages 140–148.