1. Schoellig AP, Augugliaro F, D’Andrea R (2010) Synchronizing the motion of a quadrocopter to music. In: Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 2010, pp 3355–3360
2. Schoellig AP, Augugliaro F, D’Andrea R (2010) A platform for dance performances with multiple quadrocopters. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems (IROS) - workshop on robots and musical expressions, 2010, pp 1–8
3. Schoellig AP, Hehn M, Lupashin S, D’Andrea R (2011) Feasibility of motion primitives for choreographed quadrocopter flight. In: Proceedings of the American control conference (ACC), 2011, pp 3843–3849
4. Schoellig AP, Wiltsche C, D’Andrea R (2012) Feed-forward parameter identification for precise periodic quadrocopter motions. In: Proceedings of the American control conference (ACC), 2012, pp 4313–4318
5. Augugliaro F, Schoellig AP, D’Andrea R (2013) Dance of the flying machines. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine