1. Burch, T. K. (1996). Icons, strawmen and precision: Reflections on demographic theories of fertility decline. The Sociological Quarterly, 37, 59–81.
2. Burch, T. K. (2001a). Teaching the fundamentals of demography: A model- based approach to family and fertility. Genus, 58, 73–90. See Ch.12 above.
3. Burch, T. K. (2001b). Teaching demography: ten principles and two rationales. Genus, 58, 21–34. See Ch.11 above.
4. Giere, R. N. (1999). Science without laws. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
5. Hedstrom, P., & Swedberg, R. (1998). Social mechanisms: An analytic approach to social theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.